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Giuliano Simeone: The Controversial Play

2025-03-12 Diario As

The match against Real Madrid left a play that generated controversy: the possible handball by Giuliano Simeone inside the area. Real Madrid vehemently claimed a penalty that, after review and expert analysis, was not awarded.

Iturralde González, a renowned refereeing analyst, was clear in pointing out that Giuliano’s handball was not punishable. He argued that the player had his hand in a natural position, close to his body, and that the contact with the ball was fortuitous and unintentional.

The play occurred after a cross from Vinicius, who had previously dribbled past Llorente. The referee of the match, Marciniak, did not award a penalty at the time, and the VAR did not consider it necessary to intervene either, thus supporting the initial decision.

The action sparked debate among fans, but the general opinion, based on the analysis of the play, is that the referee’s decision was correct. Atlético de Madrid moves forward, leaving the controversy behind and focusing on the upcoming challenges.

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