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Dani García Lara: An Atleti in the Heart

Dani García Lara, former forward for teams such as Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, and Real Zaragoza, has revealed an unexpected sympathy for Atlético de Madrid. The Catalan, with a distinguished career in the 90s, confessed in a radio interview that he was close to wearing the red and white.

An unfortunate fibula fracture truncated his possible signing, leaving a thorn in his career. Despite never having played for Atleti, García Lara has maintained a close connection with the club.

After his retirement, he settled in Majadahonda, where the team usually trains, and became a familiar face at the academy matches, also driven by his work as a player agent. This closeness, added to his eldest son’s fondness for Atleti, generated a special connection.

The former player surprised by confessing that he became a member of Atleti together with his son in 2000. “I would have been very excited to play for Atleti, but I had the misfortune of the injury,” he lamented. His story shows that, although his football destiny took him on other paths, Atleti always had a place in his heart. One more Atlético in the family!

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